
Artículos varios de energía

Evaluación de Resultados e Impacto en la Reforma del Sector Energético Colombiano

El objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en evaluar los resultados, impactos y beneficios, obtenidos en el desarrollo del proyecto de Asistencia Técnica (AT) al Sector Energético, señalando principalmente aquellos aspectos que tienen que ver con: el perfeccionamiento regulatorio, la modernización institucional, la participación privada en las actividades del sector […]


Peru Power Sector Market Profile

The present regulatory framework for transmission pricing (which should serve as economic signals for new investment) requires fine-tuning adjustments, on a case by case basis, in order to give clearer market signals for required transmission expansion. It is expected that private agents, without government intervention undertake this expansion, wherever possible.


Evaluation of Relative Performance of Different Models of Public and Private Ownership

Geographically, Peru is divided in three distinctive regions with very particular topographic and climatic conditions. The costal narrow area facing the Pacific Ocean is very dry, crossed by transversal valleys that decent from the mountainous region. The main population of the country lives in this region and also the capital […]


Venezuela – Energy Sector Strategy

Venezuela is the richest Latin American country regarding energy resources, which includes sizeable amounts of oil, natural gas and hydropower. The petroleum industry is the engine of Venezuela’s economy, accounting for more than three-quarters of total Venezuelan export revenues, about half of total government revenues, and about one-third of GDP.
