Articles by: Editores

Chile: Energy Sector Policy Note

Chile has limited indigenous energy resources, importing most of its hydrocarbons, which account to over 65 percent of total primary energy supply (PES), and therefore achieving energy security and affordability are key priorities for the energy sector. Despite a stable business environment and investor-friendly regulations, Chile has faced several energy […]


Ecuador: Energy Sector Policy Note

The great challenge/question for the energy sector is how to ensure the operational and financial sustainability and efficiency of the energy sector, while relying mainly on a centralized state model. The government of Rafael Correa implemented legislation and regulation that placed control of investment and operation in the hands of […]


Peru: Energy Sector Policy Note

Although the Peruvian energy sector has performed reasonably well over the past decade and has provided the infrastructure and services to support economic growth, issues are emerging that need to be resolved to avoid serious future difficulties. Some of these issues have their origin in the structure of the sector, […]


Pérdida de Competitividad en el Sector Eléctrico Peruano por Incrementos Tarifarios

En el Perú, la agresiva política de expansión de la capacidad de generación y la disminución dela demanda esperada ha resultado en un superávit importante de capacidad de generación y ha incrementado considerablemente el costo de la electricidad . La promoción estatal de nuevas inversiones en generación hidroeléctrica y reserva […]
